alright, how do emo/scene girls get their hair soooo much volume?
i really want to cut/style my hair like that, but how do you style it?
How do you get emo hair?? Tons of teasing and hairspray! :)
How do you get emo hair?? they get volume by teasing it then using a whole lot of hairspray.
How do you get emo hair?? Emo hairstyles require alot of products, teasing, time and hairspray. It can be damaging, but i would get a small teasing comb, some sculpting wax,and some hairspray. Really just do whatever you want. Teasing is pretty basic, im assuming you know how to do that. Just take a dime size of the wax after and set up your style. it takes alot of practice to find the style you wang, just remember to have fun with it.. :)
How do you get emo hair?? check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Emo Hairstyles
How do you get emo hair?? okay, first off, you're going to want to ask the stylist for "choppy layers" and a nice side fringe. [side bangs, side sweep whatever you want to call it..] and give the stylist a few pictures. note that your hair will not look scene or how you want it if you dont style it.
even if you have generally straight hair, you have to straighten it for this style, it just wont work unless its really straight.
when you straigten it, use heat defense spray. when i first got my hair cut i FREAKED. i thought it looked like a mullet or a mushroom cut. but its really not that bad. its all in the styling. and it really doesnt look like a mullet at all, i was just freaking out.
watch this video on how to style it.
you can try styling it like this now even if you dont have layers. but the plus side to layers it is makes it more spikey and awesome at the top..
i like to tease it a lot more than they do in both videos and i got for more of a spikey look whcih you can get by not brushing it ove so much and separating hairs and spray.
spray spray spray spray! lots of hairspray lol. you can also use wax . put some on your finger tips and put it on your roots. not too much though, you dont want it to look greasy.
picture of myself before i styled my hair
after styling .. [the 2nd one is a really bad pic lol]
so basically, dont be worried. it will look great. its all in the styling. its not that great of a cut without styling it but once you master the styling it will only take about 5-10 mins, depends on how much you style it. [excluding the time it takes to straighten your hair]
ps. the scene hairstyle is all about being original and doing what you look great. so you dont have to do everything just as the videos say, play around with it, be original and creative and have fun with it!
good luck!
How do you get emo hair?? tease it and spray it.
get a hell of a lot of layers too!
How do you get emo hair?? you got to straight it out evry day.. your back hair should be short and other hair should be really long..
How do you get emo hair?? First get LONG layers up to your EARS.
Then straighten your hair until it's PIN straight.
Tease/backcomb the top layers %26amp; then hairspray it so it doesn't go back down.
If your hair isn't long enough.
Cut it short %26amp; get extensions.
You'll end up with this.