Monday, April 16, 2012

Scene/emo hair styles applying to my grandmas rules.?

I want a scene/emo haircut and color with pink or blue.

Grandma's rules:

1) nothing that is too edgy

My Friends rules:

2) nothing too emo and no coon tails

my hair is already really dark brown that kinda looks black

Scene/emo hair styles applying to my grandmas rules.?

who cares what people think or say XD

You don't have to listen to your friend.

But you should listen to your ganny xD

You should get the haircut hot, because your hair is dark already.. So you don't need to go crazy with the neons. Make 'em so the layers stand out well, that's what I suggest.

So then, you'll have a nice, choppy haircut with basicly your natural color and a li'll splash of neon, just the color shouldn't be crazy

Scene/emo hair styles applying to my grandmas rules.?

ewww....scene hair = no good.

Scene/emo hair styles applying to my grandmas rules.?

awwe. coon tails are so cute. I have one and it's not too BAM but people that know what is is will reconize it. But you can dye streaks underneith colors if you want? Scene hair is mainly self made up so just be creative.

Scene/emo hair styles applying to my grandmas rules.? [jk!]

hope it helps.

Scene/emo hair styles applying to my grandmas rules.?

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